Dalemarie Horton says: „I cannot say enough good things about weather-tite. My husband and I bought our first house and it desperately needed the deck repaired. It was literally about to topple over. Our real estate agent wasn’t great at communicating the progress of the deck. Our real estate agent also tried to convince us to use a “handyman” the listing agent “uses all the time for everything”. We didn’t budge on this issue and insisted on the contingency form that weather-tite complete the work. What most people might not know is whether-tite has a contract that protect homebuyers in these situations by guaranteeing their work is up to code, completed on time, and done by experienced professionals. All I can say, is if you’re buying a home put weather-tite in the contingency form to complete any and all work required. You won’t regret it. Just be careful of the receptionist she will lie to you about what an invoice is compared to a project proposal, same as the real estate agents. It’s a good old girl/boy system. You will only get accurate information from your project manager. I’m adding before and after photos...“ Show more
Sam Chandler
Business Owner
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