Betty Keener says: „I just wanted to let you know that the young two young men that came to my home were very knowledgeable about the company. I think it was Peyton and Craighton I may not have spelled the last one right, but they tried so hard to get me the best deal and they showed me exactly what was wrong with my back and shower and where it needed fixed and I agreed so they weren’t trying to just tell me something that I did not need but my husband and I did the math and at the time right now it’s something that we just can’t afford, but I loved the company they showed That they had from the background how it started to all the products that they had. I appreciated that, but they weren’t trying to force me into something that I could not do right now and I appreciate that even more so I am ready to do it I will be very happy to have that company do it for me Thank you so much. I hope that you know that you do have some special people working for your company Blessings Mrs.Keene...“ Show more
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