Plymouth Shingle Roofing Contractors

Top 2 shingle roofing contractors in Plymouth, MI

Paramount Building Inc. logo
356 reviews
2 Projects Registered With Directorii
Roofing, Siding
38 miles from downtown of Plymouth, MI
Joseph Pace says:Hiring a roofing contractor can be stressful, well do yourself a favor and make sure Paramount Roofing is on your list f...Show more
Eric Reno photo
Eric Reno
180 Contractors logo
152 reviews
0 Project Registered With Directorii
Roofing, Gutters, Siding and 2 more
22 miles from downtown of Plymouth, MI
Doug Fullerton says:If the other Google Reviews haven't indicated this, I will add mine to the pile and say what a FANTASTIC company 180 Con...Show more
Kenny Locatelli photo
Kenny Locatelli
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We are 100% confident in our contractors, that is why every deal is backed up with a $20,000 Guarantee.
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16650 Bass Lake Rd, Suite 102, Maple Grove, MN, 55311
16650 Bass Lake Rd, Suite 102, Maple Grove, MN, 55311
(952) 356-5833
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