22 miles from downtown of Washington Navy Yard, DC
John Schroter says: „We had a hail storm back in April 2020 in Ashburn VA. I was not sure if the damage was minor or if it was significant. I contacted Justin Sebren at NCI who inspected the roof and confirmed that he believed that our insurance company would agree to cover hail damage. He gave me some info to share with the insurance company. Justin and the insurance adjuster inspected the roof together and the insurance company promptly approved us for a new roof! The insurance company was worried that if we didn't fix it then water could leak into our home and cause damage. Justin's company scheduled the work within a few days. They brought a crane in to stage the roofing materials to ensure a quick job. They brought in a dumpster for the cleanup. I was extremely impressed at the professionalism and the hard work the roofers did on a hot August day. A few of my neighbors in Belmont also contracted with NCI and all of their roofs were completed in 1 day promptly and professionally. Well done NCI! Thank you Justin...“ Show more
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