Moss Removal From Roofs: Call A Pro Or Do It Yourself?

Moss Removal From Roofs: Call a Pro or Do It Yourself?

By Angelina Zhuravleva  •  September 14, 2023  •  6 min
Moss Removal From Roofs: Call a Pro or Do It Yourself?

Have you noticed those green, velvety patches sprouting on your roof recently? If so, you've got moss, and it's not just unpleasant to look at. Moss can damage shingles and shorten the life of your roof if left unchecked. Now you're wondering whether to grab a ladder and scrub brush and go at it yourself or call a professional to remove the moss. As tempting as it might be to save money and do it yourself, removing moss from a roof is dangerous, especially if your roof is steep or multi-story. Professionals have the proper safety equipment and experience to remove moss thoroughly without damaging your roof or risking life and limb. They can also spot and fix any underlying issues that led to the moss growth in the first place. So do yourself a favor—leave moss removal to the pros. Your roof and your peace of mind will thank you. 

Dangers of DIY Moss Removal From Roofs 

DIY moss removal may seem easy to save money, but it comes with serious risks. When moss builds up on rooftops, it's often slippery and hard to navigate. One wrong step and you could end up seriously injured from a fall. 

Equipment hazards: Pressure washers and ladders also pose dangers if you're not experienced using them, especially on an angled roof. If misused, pressure washers can damage shingles, and ladders must be safely positioned on stable ground. It's best to leave this equipment to the professionals. 

Health hazards: Moss and algae also contain irritants and allergens that can cause reactions when disturbed. Without proper protective gear like respirators, goggles, and thick gloves, you could have rashes, respiratory issues, or eye infections. The chemicals needed to fully remove moss growth are harsh and require training to apply safely. 

Structural damage: Aggressive moss removal can potentially cause damage to your roof, gutters, or siding. Professionals know how to remove moss thoroughly without compromising the structure or exterior of your home. It's not worth the risk of leaks, cracks, or holes from an inexperienced DIY job. 

While it may be tempting to save money, moss removal from rooftops is best left to the professionals. They have the proper training, equipment, and safety measures to do the job correctly the first time without danger or damage. Your home is too valuable to put at risk, so call an expert for moss removal and peace of mind. 

Tips for Safely Removing Moss From Roofs Yourself 

If you want to tackle moss removal from your roof yourself, here are some tips to do it safely: 

Use a long-handled tool: Reach the moss from the ground using a tool like a push broom, squeegee, or roof rake attached to an extension pole. This allows you to remove the moss without climbing onto the roof. 

Wear proper safety gear: Protect yourself by wearing rubber-soled shoes, work gloves, safety glasses, and old clothes. The moss and roof surface can be slippery, and the moss may contain irritants. 

Remove moss in sections: Work in sections across the roof. Start at the peak of the roof and work your way down. Scrub off as much moss as possible with the tool, then use a hose to rinse the remaining debris from that section. 

Clean the entire roof: In addition to scrubbing off visible moss, use your tool to loosen any remaining moss and grime attached to the roof. Rinse the entire roof surface thoroughly when done to wash away any remaining spores or debris that could re-attach and re-grow. 

Consider re-treatment: For the most effective moss prevention, you may want to treat your roof with a moss killer or copper sulfate treatment after removing the existing moss. These treatments help prevent moss regrowth for up to several years. 

Be extremely careful: Exercise caution when working on a sloped or wet roof. Consider hiring a professional if your roof is very steep or you need more mobility or experience working on roofs.  

Using a Moss Killer Product on Your Roof 

If you want to tackle moss removal from your roof yourself, using a moss-killer product is an effective DIY method. These products contain chemicals to eliminate moss and lichen. 

The two most common active ingredients in moss killers are:  

  • Sodium hypochlorite (bleach): Inexpensive but can damage roofing materials. Works best on asphalt and fiberglass shingles. 
  • Potassium salts: More roof-friendly and effective on a variety of roof types. Look for products containing potassium bicarbonate or potassium chloride. 

To apply a moss killer:  

  1. Choose a product formulated for roof use and your specific roof type (asphalt, tile, metal, etc.). Follow the directions on the product packaging. 
  2. Apply on a dry, overcast day with no rain in the forecast for 24-48 hours. This gives the product time to fully soak into the moss and roots. 
  3. Wear rubber gloves, protective eyewear, and old clothes. The chemicals can irritate your skin, and the spray can blow back. 
  4. Use a pump sprayer or hose-end sprayer to coat the moss-covered areas of your roof evenly and thoroughly. For stubborn moss, you may need to scrub with a brush. 
  5. The moss will turn brown and die within a few days. Rinse your roof with a hose to remove dead moss and debris after a week. 
  6. Re-treat any remaining moss spots and re-apply moss killer once a year to prevent moss from coming back. 

While DIY moss removal with chemicals can be effective, hiring a professional roofing contractor to remove moss and treat your roof is often a safer, more comprehensive solution. Professionals have the proper equipment, training, and experience to thoroughly clean and treat your roof without damage. They can also spot and repair minor damage to your roof, gutters, or ventilation systems. Professional roof cleaning is worth the investment for extensive moss problems or on tricky rooflines. 

Preventing Moss Growth on Roofs 

A professional contractor removing moss and dirt from the roof

Once you've removed the moss from your roof, it's essential to prevent it from coming back. Moss thrives in damp, shady areas, so the key is controlling moisture and improving ventilation and light exposure. 

Increase ventilation: Installing additional vents, fans, or attic turbines can help improve airflow under your roof and make the environment less hospitable for moss growth. Ridge vents along the roof's peak effectively vent hot, moist air from the attic. If your roof lacks overhangs, install soffit vents under the eaves to allow airflow into the attic. 

Improve drainage: Excess moisture on your roof, whether from rain, snow, or humidity, creates the perfect conditions for moss. Installing gutters and downspouts to divert water from the base of the roof will help keep things drier. You should also ensure that downspouts extend at least 5 to 6 feet away from the house's foundation so water is carried well away from the structure. 

Increase sunlight exposure: Thinning or removing overhanging tree branches that shade your roof can help prevent moss by allowing more sunlight to reach the shingles or tiles. Sun exposure helps dry out roofs and creates an environment less suitable for moss growth. If branches can't be removed, trimming them back may still help. 

Re-stain or seal your roof: Applying a protective sealant or stain with fungicide to your roof following moss removal will help waterproof the surface and prevent future growth. These protective measures may need to be re-applied every few years according to the product directions to remain effective. 

By improving ventilation, controlling excess moisture, increasing sun exposure, and properly sealing or staining your roof, you can help stop moss growth in its tracks and keep your roof moss-free for good. Making your roof inhospitable for moss to thrive is the key to effective prevention. 

Directorii: The Best Moss Removal Specialists Near You 

Here are the pros and cons of removing moss or hiring professionals. Unless you're experienced working at heights and comfortable with power washers, it's probably worth paying an expert to remove moss from your roof. They have the proper safety equipment, training, and experience to do the job efficiently without damaging your roof or risking injury. For most homeowners, a few hundred bucks is a small price to pay for peace of mind and a moss-free roof. Why risk life and limb when you can sit back and let the pros take care of it? Your roof and your sanity will thank you. 

Using a trusted platform like Directorii to hire professional contractors can give you peace of mind. With stringent checks and a commitment to listing only the top 1% of roofing contractors near you. We ensure that the professionals you hire from our platform will deliver the quality you expect. Furthermore, our $20,000 guarantee ensures you're covered should any problems arise.

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