KR M says: „5 out of five stars. If I could give more I would. Being new to the area and this being the first house I have ever owned on my own and getting to know the ins and out of being a first-time homeowner, I cannot tell you how refreshing and how much I appreciate Mr. Rooter coming in and sending Josiah as the perfect representative for their company. I hope they understand what an incredible representative he is and for Mr. Rooter to charge incredible comparable prices to anybody. You can't go wrong but you will go wrong if you go to anybody else because Mr. Rooter is generous in giving you the knowledge which gives you the power of understanding and showing you why they are making the decision they're making. Why the problem is happening to begin with and how to prevent it from happening in the future.
They not only know what the problem is but they are willing to share and educate to me it's so refreshing and so rare. If I could give more stars I would but the only way you could go wrong is by not choosing them. Thank you Mr. Rooter and thank you Josiah ...“ Show more
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