5 Roofing Myths Debunked: The Facts You Need To Know

5 Roofing Myths Debunked: The Facts You Need to Know

By Angelina Zhuravleva  •  July 30, 2023  •  6 min
5 Roofing Myths Debunked: The Facts You Need to Know

You've probably heard a lot of claims about roofing over the years. As a homeowner, it can be hard to separate the myths from the facts when it comes time to replace your roof. How long will a new roof really last? Are metal roofs noisy? Do slate roofs last forever?  

Many roofing myths get passed around as truth. The reality is often quite different. Before investing in a new roof, it's essential to understand the facts to make the best choice for your home and budget.  

In this article, we're debunking 5 of the most common roofing myths so you have the information you need to make an informed decision. 

Myth #1: Asphalt Shingles Only Come in Boring Colors 

Don't believe the myth that asphalt shingles only come in dull, boring colors. Asphalt shingles are available in various attractive hues to complement any home's style. 

You can choose from earthy terra cotta or brown tones, deep grays, and bright reds. High-quality asphalt shingles offer multi-colored granule blends for added depth and visual interest. Some brands provide designer color palettes developed with expert colorists to ensure the shingles complement popular architectural styles. 

In addition to various colors, asphalt shingles come in different profiles - from flat to highly textured, scalloped edges. The added texture and shadow lines provide extra dimension. 

So when it's time for a new roof, don't assume asphalt shingles mean compromising on looks. With today's options, you can have an affordable, durable, colorful, stylish roof. All it takes is exploring your choices to uncover the hues that will make your house a home. 

Myth #2: Metal Roofs Are Noisy 

Metal roofs have come a long way in recent years. The old stereotype of metal roofs being loud and disruptive is simply not true anymore. Modern metal roofing materials are well-insulated and designed to minimize noise. 

The technology and engineering behind metal roofing have advanced rapidly. Metal roof panels now interlock and are installed with rubber washers and sealants that dampen sound. Residential metal roofs also have solid sheathing, like plywood, placed underneath the panels, acting as a sound barrier. 

Metal roofing can be quieter than asphalt shingles during heavy rain or hail. The sleek, non-porous surface of metal causes precipitation to roll off efficiently without much noise. Asphalt shingles, on the other hand, have a textured, porous surface that can intensify the sound of rain or hail hitting the roof. 

So, if noise is a concern and holding you back from choosing an energy-efficient and long-lasting metal roof, you can put those worries to rest. Modern metal roofing provides durability and sustainability without the annoyance of loud noises during inclement weather. The sounds emitted are minimal to non-existent for most homeowners. 

Myth #3: Slate Roofs Are Fireproof 

While slate roofs are naturally fire-resistant, they are not completely fireproof. Slate can still ignite under extreme heat exposure and burn slowly. However, slate is far less likely to catch fire from flying embers or radiant heat compared to asphalt shingles or wood shingles. 

Slate roofs offer several benefits when it comes to fire safety:  

  • They have a high melting point, so radiant heat from a nearby fire is less likely to ignite slate tiles. 
  • Slate is non-combustible, meaning it does not burn easily and does not emit toxic fumes when exposed to high heat. 
  • Slate tiles are heavy, dense, and difficult to penetrate, so embers and flames have difficulty catching hold or spreading across the roof. 
  • Slate roofs can last up to 200 years, so the roof is less likely to develop cracks or holes that would allow fire and embers to enter the attic space. 
A stone house with a slate roof

While a slate roof provides excellent protection, it is still possible for a fire to start or spread under the right conditions. Proper attic ventilation, insulation, and fire stops should also be installed to improve the fire resistance of the entire roof system. Slate roofs or not, the safest approach is to eliminate sources of ignition around the home and be vigilant about wildfire risks, especially during dry, windy weather. 

In summary, slate roofs are naturally fire-resistant but not completely fireproof. They offer more protection than roofing materials, but a fire can still start or spread under extreme circumstances. The good news is that with some basic fire-safety precautions taken, a slate roof can give you great peace of mind and security. 

Myth #4: Wood Shingles Don't Work in Cold Climates 

Don't believe the myth that wood shingles won't hold up in colder weather. While wood shingles may not be the most energy-efficient roofing material, they can work very well in chillier climates when adequately installed and maintained.  

  • Wood shingles expand and contract as the temperature and humidity change. Quality shingles installed with the proper spacing will allow for this movement, preventing buckling, warping, or cracking. 
  • Wood shingles also insulate well, which helps retain heat inside the attic and living spaces below. Cedar and redwood shingles, in particular, have natural oils that act as preservatives and help seal out moisture. 
  • Wood shingles may require frequent treatment and re-staining in cold weather to protect them from ice, snow, and wind damage. Staining or sealing the shingles every 2-5 years will help waterproof and protect them. 
  • For the most extreme, frigid climates, consider installing a breathable waterproof membrane beneath the shingles or opting for a metal roof instead, which is naturally more durable. 

While wood shingles may require more maintenance, don't let the myth that they "don't work in cold weather" deter you if you have your heart set on a wood shingle roof. Wood shingles can last 30-50 years, even in chillier climates, when properly installed and cared for. Talk to your roofing contractor about the best ways to protect wood shingles from damage in your area. 

Myth #5: A Roof Typically Lasts 20-25 Years 

While some roofing materials may last around 20 to 25 years, a roof's lifespan can vary greatly depending on several factors. The materials used, the climate conditions where you live, and the quality of the installation all play a role in determining how long your roof will last. 

For example, asphalt or fiberglass shingles typically need replacement within 20 years, while high-quality architectural shingles can last 30 years or more. Metal roofs often last 40-70 years. Slate or tile roofs usually have a lifespan of 50 years but can survive 100 years when properly installed and maintained. 

The weather in your area also impacts a roof's longevity. Roofs in hot, humid climates or areas with temperature extremes tend to deteriorate faster. Lots of rain, snow, or hail will also speed up wear and tear. 

How well your roof was installed makes a difference, too. A poorly or cheaply installed roof is more prone to leaks, tears, and other damage that reduces lifespan. It's worth investing in a professional roofing contractor near you to ensure it's done right the first time. 

So, you see, there's no single answer for how long a roof will typically last. But your roof could endure for decades with the right materials, professional installation, and proper maintenance. Don't just assume you need a new roof after 20 or 25 years—have it inspected to determine its actual condition and how many good years it may still have left. 

Discover the Truth About Materials and Lifespans 

Now you know the truth behind some common roofing myths. As you can see, a lot of what people assume about roofing materials and lifespans needs to be more accurate. The facts show roofing options are more varied, durable, and budget-friendly than you may have realized. So when it's time to replace or repair your roof, don't just go with what you've always heard. Research the latest options to find the best for your home and budget. The roof over your head is too important to be left to myths and misconceptions. Make an informed decision to ensure your family's safety for years by equipping yourself with the necessary information. 

Directorii: Your Trusted Source for Pre-screened, Trustworthy Roofers Near You  

If you're looking for a dependable and trustworthy roofer in your local area, look no further than Directorii. We are a comprehensive source that features only the highest-rated, pre-screened, and thoughtfully chosen roofing specialists. Our focus is to make finding, comparing, and hiring roofers effortless for you. Moreover, to provide additional assurance, every job listed on our service is backed by a $20,000 guarantee. 

If you're searching for the actual cost of a roofing project, we highly recommend reading our informative article.

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